#OOTD Week of 12.23.19
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Rent The Runway Code: RTRNORA for $100 off
Wearing: Reformation dress (Promo code: RTRNORA for $100 off)
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Instead of Trying to Become a “New You” This New Year, Focus on Being More of the Real You.
Took me a while to figure out what I wanted to say for this new year. What I wanted to write about… and then this morning I read the quote - “Instead of trying to become a “new you” this new year, focus on being more of the real you." This so resonated with me. The New York hustling and personal development fanatic in me is genuinely interested in seeking ways to be the fullest expression of myself. Especially when the new year can feel drenched in this notion of “you need to change.” Which can translate to: you are not enough.
While I am always a supporter of growth, to be truly kind to ourselves, it needs to be done in lock-step with self acceptance. What if this new year we operate from the space of some radical self love. Truly believing that “I am enough.” Being a dress size smaller or gaining another Instagram follower won’t change how we feel, if our belief around our worthiness is misaligned — none of those things will truly make us feel fulfilled.
What if this year we decide we are truly worthy of -
less burnout, less fear, less trying to control, less limiting beliefs, less obligation, less negative self talk, less worrying about the future
…and more rest, more play, more allowing, more courage, more doing things that we truly want to, more self celebration, more real connection, more self love, more enjoying the little moments as much as the big ones. Never apologize for how big or unattainable your goals may seem to you, take one step forward. A lot can change in a year, a lot of lessons, memories, healing, change — half of it is the goal, the rest is the hustle you put behind it, you just need to realize it’s already inside the real you, wake up - you are worthy of it!
Here’s to a new year and a new decade.