Simply Gharib

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Utility Skirt

Fangirl Yourself you would Queen Bey.

I have been rattling my brain with writer's block all week. Writing is still very new, but it's been 3 months so there's an accomplishment. I may not have a Bey-army, but I have the most amazing group of people in my life who share comments, repost, and show support. But my biggest all-time fan was always my mom. And I think the reason I haven't been able to write is because, I haven't been able to tell her anything. My mom was THE person I called for my (sometimes silly) accomplishments. Like when I got my curtains on sale or finished reading my latest book; she cheered for me no matter what. It wasn't about validation or approval, it was simply telling my mom made it feel real. No matter how strange or small it was, it was an accomplishment, but only she could make it feel important and real. Knowing my mom she'd say "if you don’t believe in yourself, how can you expect anyone else to believe in you?" That is something I need to learn, and I don't think I'll ever stop learning from her. I am my mother's daughter, when I celebrate myself, she celebrates with me.

We all need to learn to take the time to reflect and give ourselves credit where it is due. Even if it is for something small. Whether it is going to the gym for a week straight. Something random like starting a YouTube channel (I see you Youssef Twins), or finding curtains at an amazing price, you are accomplishing something! Not everyone may see it, but as long as you’re giving yourself credit, it won't matter. It is always important to celebrate your accomplishments aka: fangirl yourself.

I am an impatient perfectionist, God bless my family for putting up with it, but I know I'm not the only one. Truth is, if success could be achieved overnight, we would all be rich and famous (or at least employed at our dream jobs). You may not like where you are right now in life, but you need to trust the process and know that your time is coming. In the meantime, enjoy the journey and feel proud of everything you have accomplished so far.

Wearing: Top Shop Skirt | AFRM Sweater 

I've never really been into skirts, but I've found a way to tap into my feminine side in an edgier way with the utility skirt. I would suggest pairing them with t-shirts and oversized sweaters if you’re like me and love to be comfortable. Shop below:

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